Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just for Mothers...

With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought it be a great idea for troops to send handwritten cards to show love and appreciation for their mothers. So, I took some stationery we had on hand and wrote various Mother's Day phrases and poems on them.

This Marine was the first to participate... (don't you just LOVE his smile?)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spoiled by Soldiers' Angels...

After I arrived in Kuwait, Sharon, the fearless leader of all the Angel Bakers, asked if there was anything she could do for me... I couldn't think of anything specifically just for me, and I wanted to give my baking team a chance to help support the troops I come in contact with every day, so... I suggested she add my name to April's list of baking assignments.

The treats have been pouring in and the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen have been enjoying everything I offer... from Rum Cake to Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies! Most have been a bit hesitant, but after telling them the story about Soldiers' Angels and the wonderful ladies on my baking team, they can not resist a treat... or two!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Farewell to "Doc"...

After arriving on base, I quickly became friends with a Navy Corpsman nick-named "Doc"... he would come by the USO every day during my shift. We talked about our families, jobs and goals, well... as you know I probably talked more. lol

Anyway, his tour was coming to an end here and he warned me about his redeployment date, and then... it was moved up a week. I have to admit it was not going to be easy saying goodbye to "Doc".

The night before he would leave, he told me that he wanted to warn me of the desert changing a person when we first met, but he held back because he realized I was the type of person that would be happy doing what I loved no matter where I was located. He also told me that being a personable person out here is a good thing because our men and women need to know someone cares about them and what they are doing over here.

We snapped a picture before saying goodbye, and he reminded me once more, "Don't change for anyone!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter in the sandbox...

Thanks to friends in Illinois and Texas, I had plenty of Easter treats to share with our troops. So, when I arrived at the USO to start my shift... I made it a priority to add a little cheer! It took awhile to find the one soldier willing to model bunny ears AND pose for a picture, but I didn't give up.

This sweet Marine was such a good sport...
even enduring the laughter and comments from his buddies.

I even managed to get my favorite volunteer to participate.

Once our BBQ was in full swing, I headed outside to sample the food. There was chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs and salmon. After eating, I offered Easter eggs to our troops from a camouflaged basket.

For some reason, it was easier convincing our military to pose with eggs!

As if BBQ and Easter eggs wasn't enough, there was "gourmet" ice cream served for dessert. I volunteered to be the mixing specialist! We had Reese's pieces, M&Ms, Whoppers, Oreo Cookies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers. Everyone enjoyed the sweet addition to the vanilla ice cream usually served in the DFAC.

After dessert, there were the traditional Easter games... egg hunt, egg toss and egg relay. The USO definitely brought a slice of home to me and our troops!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Last 2-1/2 Weeks...

It has been a bit challenging to "catch up" on blogging... although I have tried my best, so... I'm going to recap the last 2-1/2 weeks in one post.

Tuesday, March 16th... After spending half a day at Camp Arifjan completing my in-processing and obtaining my Military ID, I finally made it to Ali Al Salem, Camp LSA! It was dark when I arrived, but thanks to my boss, I quickly learned where the important things were. We went to Billeting to get my housing assignment and stopped at the USO for a quick tour. Duane showed me around so I would be prepared for my first shift tomorrow. On the way "home", my boss took me to the PX to pick up a few necessities... sheets, blanket, pillow, etc. After settling in, I found it a bit difficult to sleep, but I know it'll take time to adjust to my new surroundings. By the way, while I was at Arifjan today, I was hoping to meet a couple of Majors I know via Soldiers Angels... one is my "official" adoption and the other an Angel Bakers Team assignment from November 2007. David was busy with meetings, but Gary was able to meet me and snap a quick picture.

Wednesday, March 17th... I was surprised with a phone call from my Airman stating he was on my side of the base and anxious to see me... if that was okay. Duh! It was more than okay! We spent a few hours together before my shift began at 4pm. No... I didn't take a picture. Guess I was too busy looking at him!
Anyway, I made it to work on time and jumped right in... having a year's worth of volunteer experience in Los Angeles really helped me. I made lots of temporary friends on my first day at the USO and one that I will remember always. SGT Foard was a comedian the moment I met him... we spent lots of time chit-chatting at the counter, eating a few meals together and even watching karaoke the night before he left.

Saturday, March 20th... The soldiers at Camp LSA were treated to a performance by country singer Whitney Duncan. I managed to take a couple of shots and a quick video during her warm-up. I enjoyed the concert as well, but probably because my Airman was sitting next to me.

Sunday, March 21st... Another concert tonight, but this time it was an Army rock band. Again, I was fortunate to watch the show with my Airman by my side. They played a variety of songs and the crowd loved them!

Thursday, March 25... I attended my first meeting as the JEC (Junior Enlistment Council) liason. My role with the JEC is to coordinate and execute their monthly birthday celebrations. The first party will be held on April 1st at the USO.

Wednesday, March 31st... The USO hosted a meet/greet with the new Command Cell here at Camp LSA. We expected about 20 people, but twice as many showed up! Good thing we ordered extra food and drink. It was nice to mingle with the Commanders in a non-working environment and I quickly learned that the LTC and CSM are two of the funniest guys on post! Pictures to follow...

Thursday, April 1st... Our first JEC Birthday Celebration for April was held tonight in our theater. We had chips and dip, tropical sparkling punch and cake and ice cream! There was music and dancing as well! Everyone enjoyed the party and I received many positive comments.