Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter in the sandbox...

Thanks to friends in Illinois and Texas, I had plenty of Easter treats to share with our troops. So, when I arrived at the USO to start my shift... I made it a priority to add a little cheer! It took awhile to find the one soldier willing to model bunny ears AND pose for a picture, but I didn't give up.

This sweet Marine was such a good sport...
even enduring the laughter and comments from his buddies.

I even managed to get my favorite volunteer to participate.

Once our BBQ was in full swing, I headed outside to sample the food. There was chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs and salmon. After eating, I offered Easter eggs to our troops from a camouflaged basket.

For some reason, it was easier convincing our military to pose with eggs!

As if BBQ and Easter eggs wasn't enough, there was "gourmet" ice cream served for dessert. I volunteered to be the mixing specialist! We had Reese's pieces, M&Ms, Whoppers, Oreo Cookies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers. Everyone enjoyed the sweet addition to the vanilla ice cream usually served in the DFAC.

After dessert, there were the traditional Easter games... egg hunt, egg toss and egg relay. The USO definitely brought a slice of home to me and our troops!

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