Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Farewell to "Doc"...

After arriving on base, I quickly became friends with a Navy Corpsman nick-named "Doc"... he would come by the USO every day during my shift. We talked about our families, jobs and goals, well... as you know I probably talked more. lol

Anyway, his tour was coming to an end here and he warned me about his redeployment date, and then... it was moved up a week. I have to admit it was not going to be easy saying goodbye to "Doc".

The night before he would leave, he told me that he wanted to warn me of the desert changing a person when we first met, but he held back because he realized I was the type of person that would be happy doing what I loved no matter where I was located. He also told me that being a personable person out here is a good thing because our men and women need to know someone cares about them and what they are doing over here.

We snapped a picture before saying goodbye, and he reminded me once more, "Don't change for anyone!"

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